Affordable Housing
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Affordable Housing
can be a REALITY!
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Affordable Housing
can be a REALITY!
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Housing Choice Voucher Payment Standards are at an all-time high!
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Affordable Housing
can be a REALITY!
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The Housing Authority of the City of Evansville (EHA) was legally formed in 1942, but long before our official incorporation, discussions were being held in the 1930’s over housing the low-income in Evansville, Indiana.  As part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Public Works Administration, the inception of EHA began as Evansville was one of 35 cities to receive a public housing project grant for the development of Lincoln Gardens in 1937.

EHA’s mission was and continues to revolve around promoting adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity, and a suitable living environment free from discrimination in Evansville, Indiana.  Our agency strives to expand the supply of assisted housing, improve the quality of housing, increase choices in assisted housing, improve quality of life and economic viability, promote self-sufficiency, and continue to ensure equal opportunities for all.

In November 2018, EHA successfully transitioned from traditional public housing roots to HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program after five years of planning and implementation.  In a cooperative effort, EHA and its non-profit affiliate, Advantix Development Corporation, renovated and converted subsidy assistance for all 888 units of public housing to project-based vouchers.  The conversion ultimately secures EHA’s ability to provide affordable housing well into the future for our residents and the community as a whole.

EHA also administers 1,906 Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV), 31 Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Vouchers, and 14 Homeownership Vouchers, ultimately serving nearly 5000 individuals throughout the City of Evansville at any given time.  Families and individuals receiving housing assistance have the opportunity to participate in self-sufficiency programs such as the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program, YouthBuild Evansville, Caldwell YMCA, and Fulton Boys and Girls Club. In addition, EHA’s Resident Service Department works diligently with resident councils and community partners to offer our residents and members of the community a variety of workshops, health fairs, and food programs to name a few.

Thank you for your interest in EHA.  Please contact us if you have questions or would like to know more about the services we offer.

A Message from Executive Director Rick Moore:

Please be advised that offices are closed to the public at this time and until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  However, staff members have returned to the office to conduct essential functions with clients through phone, mail, and email correspondence.  Precautionary measures are also required of staff while at work including but not limited to social distancing at all times, wearing face-coverings when not able to social distance, hand-washing, increased use of hand sanitizer, and professional office sanitization at the end of each day.

EHA remains committed to providing affordable housing opportunities for the people we serve, especially during uncertain times such as this.  If you are unable to immediately reach your caseworker, please be assured that staff will respond to you at their soonest opportunity.  We thank you for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented time.


Contact information for EHA staff can be found here.  

If you would like to report a change of income, please submit an online request to your caseworker here.

If you have recently been issued a voucher, please watch the Orientation Briefing Video here.

If you are a landlord or would like to become a landlord, you may view additional information here.

If you need to submit paperwork to the office, a secure dropbox is now located at the entrance of the HCV (Section 8) Office located at 411 SE 8th Street, Evansville, IN 47713.  You may also use the dropbox at the EHA Administrative Office located at 402 Court Street, Evansville, IN 47708 during working hours only.  (Monday – Friday; 8am-5pm)